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Scheme of Cambridge Heights sagar 1. "Beti Bachao Beti Padhao" Yojna of central Govt. also ensures about the free education of the girl child till graduate level in govt. schools.

2. C.B.S.E. Scholership Scheme 2016: Government to offer Rs. 1,500 per month scholership to signle girl child provided she has passed clas X exams with 60% marks and tution fees in school is limited to Rs. 1,500 per month. Parents of single girl child need to fill an online form.

3. Pradhan Mantri Sukanya Yojna : offers a free bank account opened by the parent of the child where she gets the benefit of education fees, and as an interest of saving after a particular time period.

Student's Responsibilities:

Parents teacher responsibility of Cambridge Heights sagar

1. Students are responsible for their own books, pens, calculators, cycles, cardigans/Blazers lunch boxes or any other articles they may bring to school .The shcool is not responsible for any loss incurred. Ornaments and jwellery of any kind is not allowed in school.

2. Only English should be spoken within the school premises. English has today become one of the major language of the world, and we can neglect its study only at the risk of loss to ourselves.

3. The school is ours. It belongs to each one of us. Do not damage property/ furniture or write on the walls. Be proud of your school.

4. Cyclist must not ride in the compound.

5. Student should not use Mobile in the school campus. If in any surprise checking mobile arc found with the student then a charge of Rs.200/- will be imposed on the concerned person.


Parents teacher responsibility of Cambridge Heights sagar

It is the duty of the parents to see the daily diary and sign the remarks. The Unit Teat, Terminal, Half Yearly Report etc. should be scrutinized and signed by Parents/Guardians.

1. Parents should also keep an eye on late attendance reports students absenting themselves for more than two days should submit a leave letter signed by the parents to the Principal.

2. No Child suffering from a contagious or infectious disease shall be permitted.

3. Parents/Guardians or other person are not allowed to see the children during school hours.

4. Parents are requested to attend all Parents Meeting to know the it child's performance.


 froward to the parentresponsibility of Cambridge Heights sagar

In modern times the school has become the most important agency for format

education but the home wields a powerful influence in moulding personalities.

Both teachers and parents are equally responsible for the education of the child,

so maximum co- operation between the parents and the school authorities is desired

to secure all that is best in education of your ward.

For this the diary is the best line between the teachers and the

parents/guardians. The parents are requested to go though it

carefully and make a diary at the appropriate place.


Drawing Competition

drawing of Cambridge Heights sagar

Open drawing Competition and Parenting Seminar was there at Cambridge Heights School Sagar M.P. to encourage the students to be a part of co-curricular activities too . Dr. Mahendra Pratap Tiwari DEO sagar , Dr. Mah esh Shukla Principal Gyan veer college , Mr. Manish jain PRO were the guest of this function . Ms. Shraddha Khare Child Psychologist gave her views in front of the parents for Smart Parenting. Mr. Aditya Singh Rajput Chairman, Mrs Surbhi Rajput Director , Mr. Hemant Khare Principal Coordinators ,Teachers, staff members etc. Present in that function and gave thanks to all parents & guests. In drawing competition 2 prizes have been won by other school and one prize grabbed by CHS school.

drawing of Cambridge Heights sagar

Smart parenting seminar for the parents by Ms. Shraddha Khare on the latest topics ... Drawing competition for all kids of age group 3 to 8 years of our school and near by schools .

drawing of Cambridge Heights sagar

I this era smart class gives the practical wag of learning things shown by Mrs . divya maam

drawing of Cambridge Heights sagar On the occasion of X- mas with the help of art and craft teacher students prepare snow man house santa clause tree etc etc...

drawing of Cambridge Heights sagar

Cambrian's excel in SOF international general knowledge competition and grabbed gold, bronze and silver medals . School management praises for this achievement Mr. Hemant Khare and Mrs. Divya Rai got the appreciation certificates from SOF .



Parents should carry out their responsibilities as educator in instilling in their children respect and strict obedience for all school rules and regulations.
1. Students should always wear their School ID card.
2. Parents are requested to go through their wards school dairy regularly and sign the teacher's remarks. If any.
3.Children should do their home work by themselves unless they require some guidance.
4. For the best result parents must motivate and support their child establish a proper study area. Home work must be given a priority in the daily schedule.
S. In case home work has not been completed by the due date then it should be communicated clearly to the class teacher with reason that why the work was not done.
6. Parents are requested not to accompany their wards to the class rooms at arrival time. At dispersal time they should collect their wards from the school gate.
7. Parents are also requested to ensure that their wards do not bring gift expect to offer for distribution on birthdays. Students from class VI onwards should be in school uniform even on their birthday.
8. Parents are requested to refrain from sending lunch boxes/ notebook of their wards during school hours.
9. Parents are requested to inform the school if there is any change in address/ Tel./ mobile numbers.
10. The school has a system of fruit break for junior classes. You are requested to ensure that the child carries at least one fruit every day.
11. Please do not give mobile phone to your child. If student is found carrying a mobile phone, It will be confiscated and a heavy fine will be imposed.
12. The facility of interest is required to monitor the usage of this wonderful technology by your ward so that he/she does not misuse the internet access.
it is advisable to route your child's E-mail through your account and share their password. Also keep the computer in a central family location, not in the child's room. The usage of computer should be a family activity.
13. Encourage your ward to take a balanced interest in studies co-curricular activities and sports.
14. Parents should acknowledge the circular sent from school in the column provided in the Almanac.
15. Parents should use the "Leave Record" form in the dairy when applying for leave or explaining the absence of their children.

Our News

Admissions are Open for Play School, Junior K.G., Senior K. G., and I to IX Satndard
